So I missed last Thursday.
Turns out, last Thursday isn't the only thing I missed. I've been really lax about getting workouts done, missing quite a few in the last couple of weeks. Mostly I've missed bike rides, still getting in my swims and runs. Let me explain why:
We have a new puppy at the house. Now, this is not N and I's puppy. This is my parents' puppy. And while cute, this puppy has been a drag on general productivity around the house.
We have three cats already at the house, 2 of which belong to N and I. We have Emery who is a 6 year old tortie who moved in with me when I was in college, and we have Raj who is a 4 year old medium/long-haired black and white cat of shorter than average height who moved in when N moved in. My parents have Sami, an 8 year old grey cat who is a little portly, and generally has an attitude. These three get along fairly well, and have no problem being left alone while I work out.
So while it was already a chore getting the trainer out, setting up the bike, riding the bike, etc., I could still do these things while by myself at home with the cats. If I needed to go out for a run, it was no big deal, the cats would be excited for me to get home.
With a puppy... Not so much. The puppy can't be trusted to be alone for more than 5 seconds. So I can go out and get the trainer, but that's pretty much the extent of any cycling I could do while alone at the house with the puppy. Clipping in for an hour and a half ride with no one else to watch the puppy wasn't an option, as the puppy would either destroy the house or destroy her cage using the ammo she creates herself. You get the picture.
Fortunately in the last couple weeks I've found a place to leave the bike set up semi-permanently, as well as convinced the parentals that the bulk of the responsibility will not be shouldered by N and I, and that there needs to be more bodies home to corral the little tornado.
By this Monday I was back on track, ready to put the miles in the legs and get ready and bulked up for the upcoming outdoor season! That is, until Tuesday.
On Tuesday I came down with "the sickness." If it's not in your area yet, I'm sure it either has been or will be soon. Nausea, vomiting, diahrrea, fever, aches, pains, chills... all of the above. To say I have a strong stomach is a bit of an understatement. I don't vomit easily, and I was in a world of hurt. I was absolutely miserable. I came home from work and went straight to bed.
I stayed in bed on Wednesday, feeling a little bit better, even hopeful that I would be able to attend a clinic our local group of triathletes had put together on Good Form Running at our local running store (Runner's Forum in Avon, IN). As the day wore on I wore down, feeling worse and worse. I decided in my best interest and in the best interest of the others in the group that I might infect, I would stay home, again missing my workouts for the day in the process.
So here we are on Thursday. My day off. I feel lazy, but I feel exhausted at the same time. I'm about 85-90% better, and hoping that trend continues upward tomorrow. My plan is to be in the pool for my 3,000 yard workout, and I will do everything I can to get there. Here's to another week of training, however much or little, and to feeling better one day at a time!
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Training update
My last few posts have been mostly about races, but let's face it: The vast majority of the time we spend thinking about triathlons is during training. The groundwork you lay now will be the precursor to how your season goes, for better or worse.
I started working with my new coach in December, as mentioned in another post. We started out slowly, just doing some basic workouts, giving him a feel for my fitness level. To be honest, I felt pathetic starting out. I hadn't truly done any activity since early November, when I was preparing for a half-marathon that I ended up not running due to an ear infection. My runs were close to 8:45-50/mile average pace, I was not riding or swimming at all at that point, so there was a lot of work to be done.
Fortunately, I had maintained a barely visible base level of fitness underneath all my bacon/donut/beer-induced blubber hanging on to my stomach. I started off December running a little here, biking a little there, swimming a little in between, and I was starting to get back to recognizable form. My swim times while still slow, were hovering just under 2:00/100, my runs were coming down steadily, coming closer to 8:30/mile, and I had no idea what I was doing on my bike, as I had no speed/cadence sensor and was riding indoors.
On Christmas Eve, I met up with my coach at the local rec center where we could use a treadmill and my newly purchased Garmin 910XT watch! I had no idea how to use the watch, since I literally picked it up that morning on the way to meet coach, but fortunately he had an idea of what was going on and helped me out. We did a lactate threshold test to set my heart rate zones.
If you haven't done a lactate threshold test, it sucks. Not just a little bit of suck, this is a whole lot of suck for one day. Warm up, then start running at a comfortable if not slow pace. Now, every 90 seconds, increase the speed of the treadmill by .2 MPH until you can't go any more. Coach was keeping track of my heart rate, and I was giving effort level feedback. He did some mathematical voodoo, and voila! I have heart rate zones to use!
This has been an incredibly effective tool for me. All through January I have been able to see incremental improvements in my fitness, my form, and my times as I continue training. I've admittedly slacked off and taken extra days off here or there, missed a couple of workouts every now and then, but I'm still seeing incredible results.
As of right now, Friday, February 13th, my swim times are hovering closer to 1:35-38/100, bike workouts are hovering around 15.5 MPH average (I now have a speed/cadence sensor, YAY!), and my runs are comfortably coming in at 7:45/mile. I had a 30 minute run just last weekend and averaged 7:15/mile. I have no recollection of the last time I was that fast, but I was beyond excited to see that!
If you don't work with a coach, I would highly recommend one. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, and it can seriously improve your performance. I've never been more excited for race season to arrive!
I started working with my new coach in December, as mentioned in another post. We started out slowly, just doing some basic workouts, giving him a feel for my fitness level. To be honest, I felt pathetic starting out. I hadn't truly done any activity since early November, when I was preparing for a half-marathon that I ended up not running due to an ear infection. My runs were close to 8:45-50/mile average pace, I was not riding or swimming at all at that point, so there was a lot of work to be done.
Fortunately, I had maintained a barely visible base level of fitness underneath all my bacon/donut/beer-induced blubber hanging on to my stomach. I started off December running a little here, biking a little there, swimming a little in between, and I was starting to get back to recognizable form. My swim times while still slow, were hovering just under 2:00/100, my runs were coming down steadily, coming closer to 8:30/mile, and I had no idea what I was doing on my bike, as I had no speed/cadence sensor and was riding indoors.
On Christmas Eve, I met up with my coach at the local rec center where we could use a treadmill and my newly purchased Garmin 910XT watch! I had no idea how to use the watch, since I literally picked it up that morning on the way to meet coach, but fortunately he had an idea of what was going on and helped me out. We did a lactate threshold test to set my heart rate zones.
If you haven't done a lactate threshold test, it sucks. Not just a little bit of suck, this is a whole lot of suck for one day. Warm up, then start running at a comfortable if not slow pace. Now, every 90 seconds, increase the speed of the treadmill by .2 MPH until you can't go any more. Coach was keeping track of my heart rate, and I was giving effort level feedback. He did some mathematical voodoo, and voila! I have heart rate zones to use!
This has been an incredibly effective tool for me. All through January I have been able to see incremental improvements in my fitness, my form, and my times as I continue training. I've admittedly slacked off and taken extra days off here or there, missed a couple of workouts every now and then, but I'm still seeing incredible results.
As of right now, Friday, February 13th, my swim times are hovering closer to 1:35-38/100, bike workouts are hovering around 15.5 MPH average (I now have a speed/cadence sensor, YAY!), and my runs are comfortably coming in at 7:45/mile. I had a 30 minute run just last weekend and averaged 7:15/mile. I have no recollection of the last time I was that fast, but I was beyond excited to see that!
If you don't work with a coach, I would highly recommend one. It doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, and it can seriously improve your performance. I've never been more excited for race season to arrive!
Thursday, February 5, 2015
2015 Anticipation
Well, I covered last year, so let's look ahead to what this season looks to bring!
For starters, I'm working with a new coach this year! It's not that my coach last year did a bad job, it's just that there was a 45 minute drive one way any time I wanted/needed fact-to-face interaction, plus the organization jumped the prices to a level that is out of my reach currently. Nothing against them, but the overall picture didn't make much sense for me.
My new coach has already been great, getting heart rate zones set for me, building a great plan week by week that matches my current fitness level, and offering suggestions on form and drills to improve on it.
I started my training on December 1, hoping to make big strides in my run and set a good base down for my swim and bike. I've already noticed enormous improvements in my run times, dropping below 8:00/mile average on nearly every run now. In February. Three months before the season really even starts. Yeah, I'm excited.
As I noted in my last post, my biggest weakness is my run. I've spent too many races suffering through the run and watching the podium run past me. I've had enough. So this year I'm making it a point to focus on improving my run, if not to run faster than my competitors then at least fast enough to hold them off. I've been working on transitioning to a different gait, focusing on a fore-foot strike, and emphasizing the kicking out on my push off. So far it's going well, and I'm doing drills in my plan to get better.
Anticipated Races
In 2015, since I'm focused on improving my run, I've signed up for events that I might not have in the past. Here's a list of events that I'm either doing, or hope to be doing, and links so you can join me!
*Events I've registered for
*No Luck Run, Half-Marathon, March 14
This is a good opportunity to get out and get some distance early in the season. I may or may not have been pressured into signing up for this race, but it's a good thing. It's local, it's put on by a good company, and there's free beer at the finish line. Green beer.
*500 Festival Mini Marathon, May 2
Running this one with N, a good chance for us to be fit and active together! This is going to be her first half marathon, and she is super pumped. We're hoping to hit 10:00/mile average.
Cicero Triathlon, sprint distance, June 20
Ran this in 2014 and enjoyed it, a high energy short course race that I'm hoping to complete in under 1:00:00 this year!
Winona Lake Triathlon, sprint distance, June 27
One of the most beautiful races in Northern Indiana, and some stiff competition as well. This one provides us with a great reason to go north to visit N's family as well, and since it's close to Father's Day we'll be able to celebrate that while we're there!
Ironman 70.3 Muncie, Half-Ironman distance, July 11
This is the big one again. This is the one I'm shooting for. I haven't decided on a highly specific time goal yet for this year, outside of definitely finishing in under 6:00:00 this year. As we get closer, a time goal will make itself apparent. If you aren't able to join me in racing, I would LOVE to have your support on the course!! It is always meaningful when you see and hear someone you know cheering you on!
Monsterman Triathlon, sprint distance, September 12
Formerly known as the Lake Lemon Triathlon, this course really is a monster. Interesting name change. I placed 2nd in my age group last year, and it's a fun end of the season test in an unbelievable part of Indiana. Absolutely the prettiest triathlon I did last season.
I'm looking for other races all the time, so if you have one that you particularly enjoy or think I should check out let me know!
For starters, I'm working with a new coach this year! It's not that my coach last year did a bad job, it's just that there was a 45 minute drive one way any time I wanted/needed fact-to-face interaction, plus the organization jumped the prices to a level that is out of my reach currently. Nothing against them, but the overall picture didn't make much sense for me.
My new coach has already been great, getting heart rate zones set for me, building a great plan week by week that matches my current fitness level, and offering suggestions on form and drills to improve on it.
I started my training on December 1, hoping to make big strides in my run and set a good base down for my swim and bike. I've already noticed enormous improvements in my run times, dropping below 8:00/mile average on nearly every run now. In February. Three months before the season really even starts. Yeah, I'm excited.
As I noted in my last post, my biggest weakness is my run. I've spent too many races suffering through the run and watching the podium run past me. I've had enough. So this year I'm making it a point to focus on improving my run, if not to run faster than my competitors then at least fast enough to hold them off. I've been working on transitioning to a different gait, focusing on a fore-foot strike, and emphasizing the kicking out on my push off. So far it's going well, and I'm doing drills in my plan to get better.
Anticipated Races
In 2015, since I'm focused on improving my run, I've signed up for events that I might not have in the past. Here's a list of events that I'm either doing, or hope to be doing, and links so you can join me!
*Events I've registered for

This is a good opportunity to get out and get some distance early in the season. I may or may not have been pressured into signing up for this race, but it's a good thing. It's local, it's put on by a good company, and there's free beer at the finish line. Green beer.

Running this one with N, a good chance for us to be fit and active together! This is going to be her first half marathon, and she is super pumped. We're hoping to hit 10:00/mile average.

Ran this in 2014 and enjoyed it, a high energy short course race that I'm hoping to complete in under 1:00:00 this year!

One of the most beautiful races in Northern Indiana, and some stiff competition as well. This one provides us with a great reason to go north to visit N's family as well, and since it's close to Father's Day we'll be able to celebrate that while we're there!
Ironman 70.3 Muncie, Half-Ironman distance, July 11
Monsterman Triathlon, sprint distance, September 12
Formerly known as the Lake Lemon Triathlon, this course really is a monster. Interesting name change. I placed 2nd in my age group last year, and it's a fun end of the season test in an unbelievable part of Indiana. Absolutely the prettiest triathlon I did last season.
I'm looking for other races all the time, so if you have one that you particularly enjoy or think I should check out let me know!
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