Thursday, February 26, 2015


So I missed last Thursday.

Turns out, last Thursday isn't the only thing I missed. I've been really lax about getting workouts done, missing quite a few in the last couple of weeks. Mostly I've missed bike rides, still getting in my swims and runs. Let me explain why:

We have a new puppy at the house. Now, this is not N and I's puppy. This is my parents' puppy. And while cute, this puppy has been a drag on general productivity around the house.

We have three cats already at the house, 2 of which belong to N and I. We have Emery who is a 6 year old tortie who moved in with me when I was in college, and we have Raj who is a 4 year old medium/long-haired black and white cat of shorter than average height who moved in when N moved in. My parents have Sami, an 8 year old grey cat who is a little portly, and generally has an attitude. These three get along fairly well, and have no problem being left alone while I work out.

So while it was already a chore getting the trainer out, setting up the bike, riding the bike, etc., I could still do these things while by myself at home with the cats. If I needed to go out for a run, it was no big deal, the cats would be excited for me to get home.

With a puppy... Not so much. The puppy can't be trusted to be alone for more than 5 seconds. So I can go out and get the trainer, but that's pretty much the extent of any cycling I could do while alone at the house with the puppy. Clipping in for an hour and a half ride with no one else to watch the puppy wasn't an option, as the puppy would either destroy the house or destroy her cage using the ammo she creates herself. You get the picture.

Fortunately in the last couple weeks I've found a place to leave the bike set up semi-permanently, as well as convinced the parentals that the bulk of the responsibility will not be shouldered by N and I, and that there needs to be more bodies home to corral the little tornado.

By this Monday I was back on track, ready to put the miles in the legs and get ready and bulked up for the upcoming outdoor season! That is, until Tuesday.

On Tuesday I came down with "the sickness." If it's not in your area yet, I'm sure it either has been or will be soon. Nausea, vomiting, diahrrea, fever, aches, pains, chills... all of the above. To say I have a strong stomach is a bit of an understatement. I don't vomit easily, and I was in a world of hurt. I was absolutely miserable. I came home from work and went straight to bed.

I stayed in bed on Wednesday, feeling a little bit better, even hopeful that I would be able to attend a clinic our local group of triathletes had put together on Good Form Running at our local running store (Runner's Forum in Avon, IN). As the day wore on I wore down, feeling worse and worse. I decided in my best interest and in the best interest of the others in the group that I might infect, I would stay home, again missing my workouts for the day in the process.

So here we are on Thursday. My day off. I feel lazy, but I feel exhausted at the same time. I'm about 85-90% better, and hoping that trend continues upward tomorrow. My plan is to be in the pool for my 3,000 yard workout, and I will do everything I can to get there. Here's to another week of training, however much or little, and to feeling better one day at a time!

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