It's the wonderful time of year where manufacturers and brands start finding ambassadors for the upcoming race season. Applications, updates, and responses are flying about the interwebs congratulating some and consoling others.
I am extremely happy to announce that I've been chosen by BASE Performance to be a BASE ambassador (BASEIPLE) for the 2015 race season! I've already been fortunate enough to have used a couple of their products, and I'll be providing more information about those as well as some new products to me and new products from them in the future!
Ready for the coolest part? I can help you try their products out at reduced cost! The supplements are mostly aimed at endurance athletes, but are suitable for all athletes of any discipline. Bodybuilders, cowboys, rugby players alike, there's a product for you.
Head over to their website and check out their offerings, then let me know what questions you have, what you're interested in, and what you're getting!
In the next couple weeks, along with my regularly scheduled training updates/musings, I'll be trying to incorporate some reviews of products (starting of course with BASE Performance products) and possibly a second post per week. I often find myself having long thought conversations with myself during training, wishing I would blog about it, and then totally forgetting to blog about it.
SO! Until next week, later on...
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